FAQ about open adoption.
Q. What is open adoption?
A. In open adoption, the birthparents choose the adoptive parents they would like to parent their baby. The birthparents and adoptive parents meet and get to know one another, and usually have some type of ongoing contact through the years. This can include pictures and letters, phone calls, and visits.**
Q. Why did you choose open adoption?
A. We don't want to keep secrets from our boy. We know that as time passes he will want to know where he came from and have normal questions about his birth family. Maintaining an open relationship will give him the opportunity to have those questions answered. In addition, we want Victoria to know that Anthony is growing up in a loving home.
Q. Won't he be confused about who is "real" Mom and Dad are?
A. No, he will always know that we are his mommy and daddy. But, he will also know whose tummy he grew in and that Victoria asked us to be his parents because she loves him.
Q. Will you have on-going contact over the years?
A. Absolutely! Victoria and her family live about an hour away. We anticipate annual visits. In fact, we're eagerly looking forward to going Trick-or-Treating with them at Halloween.
Q. Can you change your mind about having contact?
A. Nope, here in California it is legally binding on our part. Besides, we are very happy with our growing relationship with Victoria.
**cribbed directly from our agency's website