Can you believe he is three months old already??
How has he changed?
Truthfully, I don't think he looks that much different than he did at
two months. I'll try to weigh him on Monday, but I don't think he's gained too much more than a pound. (Its about time that his growth slows, otherwise he'll be an elephant when he starts kindergarden.)
But, he can do so much more...
1. Smiling. He loves to smile. He will return your smiles and he will spontaneously smile when something amuses him. (Daddy singing the Rubber Ducky song, for example.)
2. He can purposefully grab things. He has no interest in grabbing rattles, but he will absolutely grab someones hand. He can also grab some of his toys.
3. He's figured out how to make some of his toys go. That was fun watching him go. Anthony's favorite toy for over a month has been his play gym with the blinking star that plays music. Its motion activated and he just figured out that he can kick it and make it play. That is exciting! He can also grab the hanging toys on his Jungle Bouncy Seat and make the music and lights go there, too.
4. Squeal in delight. (I hadn't realized that was a separate milestone.) That blinky star makes him sooo happy!
5. He's got pretty amazing head control. We started riding him front facing in the Bjorn and he did great.
6. He can support his own weight standing, he's gotten really good at that.
7. He thinks the baby in the mirror is absolutely fascinating. If he smiles at the baby, the baby even smiles back.

What he's on the verge of doing:
1. Giggling, he does it once in a while but not consistantly. Either that, or maybe I'm not funny enough.
2. Pushing himself up with his hands. He'll do it occasionally, but not consistantly. Generally, if I put him on his tummy he'll stick his fist in his mouth. (Its much easier to do that on your tummy, the fist is limited to where it flies.) Then when he gets tired of sucking his fist he'll start screaming that its time to flip over.
3. Sleep unswaddled.
What he might be considering:
1. Teething. He is drooling up a storm!