Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Sitting independantly

Now that Anthony can sit independantly for extended periods, we've been getting out more of his toys. This weekend we played with the toy Uncle Dave and Aunt Julie got him for Christmas. It has stacking elephant parts, but the best part is when you drop balls down inside it there is music and blinking lights. Anthony enjoyed chewing on the balls while I dropped them down the chute.
Its amazing how quickly his sitting skills have developed. Two weeks ago he could sit, but couldn't reach or manipulate a toy. He also was in danger of crashing any minute.
Now he can sit, pick up toys, manipulate toys, etc. He doesn't know how to "un-sit" gracefully, nor can he pull himself into sitting, but I'm sure that will come soon.
Never go shopping when you are hungry!
Saturday, March 29, 2008

Today we tried carrots for the first time. It was his first taste of vegetable and he pretty much gobbled them down. The first bite or two he wasn't quite sure what to make of the strange taste, but then his little mouth was wide open. Most of it also goes down, very little actually mushes back out. He ate about 2 Tablespoons worth of carrots and then I decided he was done for the day. (That was on top of a few Tablespoons of rice cereal.)
We have about 2 more days worth of carrots open. Then he'll probably have green beans next week.
Right now he's eating Gerber first foods. I intend to make his food reasonably soon. Not everything, but probably sweet potatoes and green beans when they come into season here. I also see no point in buying jarred bananas when they have perfectly good bananas at the grocery store that just require a little bit of mashing.
One bad thing about carrots. Carrot colored spit-up is just a little gross!

Friday, March 28, 2008
Signs of Intelligence

Nobody has ever, ever accused Tigger of being the slightest bit smart.
Today, however, she displayed signs of intelligence for the first time. Anthony has started showing interest in her. And she doesn't let him touch her. That might not sound like a major milestone, but he's been caught by children far too many times.
(A smart cat would run and hide, rather than being caught repeatedly.)
We'll see if it becomes a trend (or was it just an accident)!
Edited Sunday to add:
Nope, she's as dumb as ever. Anthony has gotten a few handfuls of fur so far. We're working on "pet the kitty nicely", but given that grabbing is what he does....
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Likes the Exersaucer

He has pretty much outgrown (or lost interest in) his swing and bouncy chair. The exersaucer, on the other hand, keeps him plenty entertained. It even has an iPod.
He rolled over!!!
He rolled front to back and seemed utterly shocked when it happened.
Even though he's been pretty slow to roll, I'm not terribly worried about it. Since he usually doesn't like being on his belly, he hasn't had too much opportunity to practice.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
More Family!
Its always a nice time visiting with that crowd. Anthony was not at his best (something about being overtired and improperly napped), but he was still pretty charming.
A nice bonus is that Jennifer's oldest was happy to carry Anthony around the restaurant so that we could eat in peace!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Separation Anxiety Already??

1. Monday I picked Anthony up two hours later than normal. (I had a class on Monday and Tuesday). When I picked him up he was crying. Teacher said that the minute Emily's mommy picked her up, he started crying. Normally he's the first one to leave.
Was the problem
a. deviation from routine = bad
b. "my mommy is supposed to come before these other mommies"
2. Today I was late (again). Standard routine on arrival: I say Hi to Anthony and wait for him to smile for me. Then I go around the corner to grab his carseat. Usually he handles my disappearance just fine. Today he started crying.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Hanging out with Uncle Dave
Good Night's Sleep
Happy Easter!

He wore his new clothes to church where he was a handsome little guy. He did great (again)! He smiled at everyone for the first ten minutes or so and then slept through the rest of the service.
He was even good when we went out for brunch afterwards. He's getting the hang of sitting in restaurant high chairs and let me eat half of my food before he decided to be held.
Notice how good Anthony is getting at sitting!
(By the way, we plan on stealing his Easter candy. How long do you think we can get away with it???)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Ready for Skiing!
This week we're in Colorado for Bob's family's annual ski trip. Unfortunately, Anthony's participation has been less than successful. We did have a nice day skiing while the little guy stayed at the cabin with Uncle Dave and Aunt Julie. Unfortunately, when we got home we discovered that Anthony was coming down with a cold.
This one left the little guy feeling pretty miserable, the altitude here in Colorado probably didn't help. We had several nights where we were up a lot. The second day he was sick we found a pediatrician here who was willing to see him. Fortunately, his check-up went well. His blood oxygen levels were great (an issue in the mountains) and his lungs, ears and throat were all clear. So, all we could do was feed him tylenol for the fever and pedialyte to keep him well hydrated.
Each of us got to ski two days out of four, so that was okay. It was just too bad that we weren't able to ski together more than one day.
I'm thumping
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Going to Grandma's House
Anthony's first commercial airplane ride was to Grandma's house in Colorado. We got off to a poor start with a 4:30 am wake-up call. Anthony wanted nothing to do with that, he knew that it isn't morning yet.
The flight went very well. We didn't buy him a seat, but there were lots of empty seats on the plane so the gate agent rearranged things so that we could all sit together. Anthony was a good boy nearly the whole flight with just a little fussing at the very end.
Oh yeah, we flew Frontier airlines and his airplane had four penguins on the wing.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
It was a beautiful day today. Bob came home early so we could go for a walk together. We ended up at the park and let Anthony play on the swing. Unfortunately the sound quality is kind of poor, he was giggling the whole time. Well, the whole time that we weren't shooting the video. (It was also a windy day.) I think we need to take him to the swings more often!
(Treo does video, too!)
(Treo does video, too!)
Monday, March 10, 2008
Anthony did make friends with Archer, who thought he was pretty darn neat. Socially the weekend wasn't a total loss!
We were equally unlucky in getting the little guy to sleep. Everything was just too darn interesting. We brought him into bed with us, which does help. Except then he was pulling my hair and poking at my face. I woke up in the morning and saw that Bob was hunched at the opposite end of the bed.
Skiing was good, though. Anthony was stuck with a babysitter, though. When he turns 3 he can learn to ski, too.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Still practicing eating
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Tongue like a giraffe!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Rice Cereal

(Sorry about the image quality, we took this using Bob's Treo.)
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