Time for the monthly update...
This month's tricks are pretty much mobility centered. Anthony can easily pull to standing on his
"Me Do It" chair and push it around the house. He can also push his walker around. He hasn't mastered pulling up on anything but that chair, but I'm sure that will come fast. (He can't quite reach the top of the coffee table from sitting, which probably doesn't help.) As you saw in the previous post, he can also stand one-handed for a decent length of time. He can also transfer from one piece of furniture to another.
On the social skills front, Anthony LOVES to clap his hands. The best part is that everyone around will join in! He's been doing it for almost 3 weeks now. We've yet to capture it on video, though. The first time he clapped was with my friend Kathryn at a concert in the park.
We'd been making progress on bye-bye. He was so close, and then discovered clapping. Evidently clapping is good for all social interactions. Hopefully as the novelty of clapping wears off we'll go back to bye-bye.
Anthony has another favorite game: he'll growl (for lack of better word) at someone and they'll growl back. Evidently that is a pretty neat game, too! (The appeal escapes me.)
I've realized that Anthony's taste in toys has changed pretty dramatically. He has ZERO interest in "baby toys". Toys with wheels are a lot of fun. He especially likes his Fisher-Price Peek a Block train and the fun noises it makes. Anthony enjoys his Peek-a-Blocks in general. The best part is when I build a tower for him to knock down. The
Sassy Poppin' Push car is a lot of fun, too! He also enjoys pushing all the noise buttons on the Retro-Rocket.
On the lack of progress front: still no interest in actual solid food. He's also losing interest in his pureed food. I'd say his dinner consumption has easily dropped in half, maybe more. That may be because he's growing teeth, so we'll see if he picks up again soon.