Wow! I can't believe little dude is 11 months old.
Current tricks:
1. He learned to roll over. Apparently he didn't read where the baby books say he should roll over before sitting independently, cruising furniture, or pushing chairs around the house.
2. A few days ago he pushed to sitting 3 times in a row. Hasn't repeated since.
4. Getting better at pulling to standing, but still kind of klutzy with his legs.
5. Tonight he spent a good while practicing sitting down (from standing).
6. A full range of babbles, including Mama! (Without meaning, though.)
7. He will also carry on a "conversation" where you take turns talking.
8. He's pretty much a cruising pro. He can also walk a little bit with me holding one hand.
9. Putting stuff INTO containers has become interesting. He has a decent amount of hand-eye coordination in that he can get the balls into his elephant toy.
10. I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but he's REALLY curious. He's definitely fascinated by the world around him and wants to check it all out!
11. Four teeth, two on top, two on bottom.
12. He gets frustrated really easily. Especially when he's sitting down and wants to be standing. Sometimes he'll wiggle to a chair to pull up, but he's just as likely to fuss until you come and stand him up.
Lack of progress:
Eating real food. We had our first speech therapy appointment today!