For our summer vacation this year we went to Sequoia National Park with my sister Andrea and her family. It was SO much fun.
Highlights included:
Three "hikes". Each kid slept through one of them. Anthony was a pretty good walker. Our Crescent Meadow walk was about a mile and a half and I think Anthony walked close to half of it. Maybe a little less. He tends to be a little too much about the journey.
Watching Anthony and Kurt play together. This is the first visit where they really enjoyed each others company. They played in the tent together, climbed rocks and just giggled.
Filth. All three boys were beyond filthy but poor Erik got the worst of it as he wasn't a very skilled walker. He's the only one who actually ate dirt, too.

Sleeping. Doesn't sound like much but Anthony slept great in the tent. He took a nice long nap and got a good night's sleep every night. Kurt was a little too excited to sleep the first night. We watched him play "shadow games" in the tent for probably a full hour.
Meeting new people: Anthony said Hi to EVERYONE who passed us on our walks. Everyone! He also made instant friends with a park ranger. Ranger came into our campsite to tell us about that night's campfire program. Anthony immediately ran up to him shouting "Hug". Its the funniest thing I've seen him do in awhile.
Very little crying. Really, very little.
I'll totally do it again. Only problem--it was a really long drive. But, it was equally long for both of us! Generally Anthony was a good sport in the car. Very little unhappiness on the drive there. The drive home was another story--he kept asking for "up" or "walk". At first he was polite and we made a stop at a McDonald's playplace. He wasn't so polite after that, though.