Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
A Great Afternoon

As we were getting ready to leave, J&J's mother showed up with ice cream for everyone. Anthony thoroughly enjoyed his popsicle and then went straight to Robert's house to join him in the bath.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Flying, Flying... Or is it Swimming, Swimming?
As he sings it:
Flying, flying in the swimming pool
When days are hot, when days are cold
In the swimming pool.
Breast stroke, back stroke,
Fancy loop-di-loo.
Don't you wish you didn't have anything else to do!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010

On a side note, he ate his first lollipop yesterday. It was his Valentine's present from Claire and Robert. He was VERY excited about the lollipop--he'd been asking for one for a long time. (I'm not quite sure how he learned about lollipops, as they don't serve them in daycare.) Although they are on the train in "The Little Engine that Could." Bob is reading it right now.
Anthony's valentine's might be overkill. It wasn't too hard to bake the heart cookies on sticks, though they had to be VERY thick. I then decorated them with pink royal icing with white icing and white beads. I was very pleased with how they came out.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Ballerina Boys: Part Two
For those who are uninitiated in modern children's music, the boys are dancing to Tantrum by the Spin Doctors. Its from Sandra Boynton's Dog Train album.
I don't think the video loads to Facebook. If it doesn't show up there check out Anthony's blog. Sorry.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Ballerina Boys!
Sarah shot some great footage of the boys dancing. Hopefully I'll get it up in a day or two.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Music Class
Last Saturday was the start of music class for the quarter. Its funny, Anthony doesn't seem to participate too much in class, but he comes home singing all the songs. I think he's so busy absorbing that there is no output.
However, there are parts of it that we can count on him enjoying. When teacher Daniel reads the story Anthony scoots so far forward that he's practically sitting on Daniel's feet. He obviously prefers the songs that involve jumping and dancing, too. However, he likes to sing the quiet ones at home, too. (I'll try and get more on video.)
The first video is Anthony playing auto-harp. The final one is the tug-of-war that Daniel plays with each kid at the end.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Happy Birthday Grandma!
Honestly, I think he used to sing it much better. Well, its been awhile since we've had a birthday party. (All of his pals have fall birthdays so he was singing it weekly at daycare!)
Notice that he blows out the candles at the end.
(Why is it that they never perform on command?)
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
Hide and Seek

Funny story--a few months ago Anthony was hiding underneath a blanket. Repeatedly. I kept calling, "Anthony, where are you?" A few seconds later he'd peek out. At one point Claire (age 4) finally shrieked at me, "He's under the blanket! He's ALWAYS under the blanket!"