This probably sounds crazy. In fact, it might actually be crazy.
The long story... My work provides up to 2 weeks of back-up daycare for when Anthony's sitter is sick or on vacation. The center is very nice and EXTREMELY expensive, a good $250/day.
Said expensive daycare sends out monthly announcements touting their great activities, trolling for business. Well, their March theme is potty camp. The way I figure it is, if my work wants to pay over a thousand dollars to potty train my child, who am I to say no?? (I might be just a little hostile about losing my job in two weeks.)
I'm not convinced that Anthony is
actually ready to potty train. However, I'm not convinced he isn't, either. He is motivated--Kobe at daycare (a big kid) just learned to use the potty and Anthony is FASCINATED. So, we're enrolled in potty camp for the week.
The first day he wore big-boy underpants over his pull-ups and sat on the potty regularly. However, he wanted to wear his clothes on the potty. (He does NOT like sitting on a cold seat.) Supposedly day 2 or day 3 they wear their big boy underpants full-time. I've got about 5 changes of clothes in his bag.
I suspect they won't have much success and we'll go back to diapers for awhile.
In the meantime, though, boy is he excited about Potty Camp. Imagine Bob answering the door to some random solicitor. Small child runs and announces, "I'm going to Potty Camp!!"