Yes, the half is important! I think its time for an update. Let's see:
1. Anthony is getting a LOT more capable and independent. He pours his own milk, puts on his own shoes and buckles his own carseat. Woe to the parental figure who accidentally does this for him.
2. He's a lot more mature. Its probably a mistake posting this, but he's generally stopped running away. When we were in Denver earlier this month, he did GREAT at staying with us. When we were unloading the rental car and repacking, he just sat on the bench and enjoyed a treat. In the airport security line (a nightmarish time to run) he just followed directions. Last Saturday it was just the two of us at the farmer's market and he didn't run once.
3. He claims he can pump by himself. He hasn't actually demonstrated that ability but we hope its in the future soon. The kid can swing for hours!
4. No more naps by parental decree. If he does take a nap, he's up until 9:30 or 10:00 easily! Occasionally we use this to our advantage, but generally naps are verboten.
5. His grandparents (who hadn't seen him in awhile) think he's a LOT more verbal. Basically he carries on much more sophisticated conversations than he used to.
6. He is WAY into pretend play. Easter Sunday we played "Wizard of Oz" for over 30 minutes, maybe closer to an hour. I've witnessed him twirling his space station around as caught in a tornado, too.
7. Physically he just LOOKS like an older kid now. His legs are long and skinny and he just has a more mature look to him. I don't know his height or weight, but 3T clothes fit him well, although he has a few that are on the short side. I have a mix of 3T and 4T for summer. The 4T are huge, but the 3T won't fit in August!