The San Jose Giants** had an afternoon game yesterday. When we got home from our night out, we found that Jessica had dressed Anthony in Giants' orange, so we went to the ball game.
It was a blast! Anthony was pretty much spellbound for the first four innings. It was pretty funny watching him cheer every time the catcher caught the ball. While I explained a lot to him, its unclear how much he understood.
Then he got restless so we took a bounce house break. We went back for another inning or two, and then it was time to sing "The Baseball Song". As expected, Anthony was an enthusiastic singer!
We then went back to the bounce house area where Anthony tried his hand at bouncy t-ball, with the ball suspended on a stream of air. Bob finds batting lefty hard. I can bat lefty, but I don't think I can hit the ball!
We stayed until the end of the day so that Anthony could run around the bases like the real baseball players.
Afterwards Anthony talked at length about how much fun he had--eating peanuts, jumping, batting, cheering for the game... We just had one complaint--how on earth can the stadium not sell Cracker Jacks???
**Yes, the World Series winning San Francisco Giants are a train ride away. But minor league baseball is so much better. We paid $10 for our tickets, all seats are close in, the food is affordable, there are bounce houses... Really, all we could have asked for were Cracker Jacks.