Anthony is four years old today!
Time for an update:
1. He's about 40" tall and 35 pounds. That means he's holding steady at 75% for height and 25% for weight.
2. He's really blossoming in terms of physical skills--he can pump on the swing, hop on each foot extensively, skip, walk a short balance beam and ride his bike without training wheels.
3. He's incredibly verbal with a fairly impressive vocabulary. (Latest declaration: "Burping is uncouth." Yes, I know he's just quoting me verbatum. He also knows EXACTLY what it means.) He also speaks VERY clearly.
4. Socially he's coming along. He still has a rough time having friends over. Now its not the sharing of toys as much as uncooperative play. He wants to play what he wants, not necessarily what his friend wants. That being said, he's started talking about the new friends he's making at preschool and is always playing cooperatively with a group when I pick him up at daycare.
5. He's fascinated by phonics. He seems to have fairly good mastery at B, S, M and W. If you clearly say a word that begins with one of those letters he can correctly identify it. Its kind of hit and miss with others. We practice a LOT as he find it interesting.
6. His favorite toys are his dress-up clothes and his bicycle. He also really enjoys his Highlights Hi-5 magazine. He's gotten pretty good at the Hidden Pictures and thinks those are a lot of fun.
7. "Mommy, buy me" has entered his vocabulary. It used to be, "I want". I first noticed it when we were looking through a Halloween catalog a few weeks ago. I thought we were just looking at the costumes and trying to decide what he wanted to be. Next thing I knew it was, "buy me this!"
8. His fine motor skills are still work in progress. We've been signing thank you notes and he still sometimes holds a pen in his fist. He can write a wobbly A, but not the rest of his letters. (He brought homework back from preschool last week practicing his name.)
9. He can count pretty high, but usually transitions straight from 26 to 37.
10. No more sippy cups! He hasn't NEEDED them for a long time, but he LIKED them. 4 year olds use big boy cups.