Saturday, December 29, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Yes, he is wearing snow pants over his pajamas. He was so excited to play in the snow, what there is of it here. Ski school Saturday.
Saturday, December 22, 2012

The main part of the display was experiments we could do. We experimented with toast landing butter side up or down, yanking a tablecloth out from underneath a place setting (I rocked) and Anthony's favorite, building a house out of straw/sticks/bricks and placing it in a wind tunnel. The picture is Anthony playing in a rain tunnel, which you could use to test and see if you get wetter walking or running in the rain. (You will notice the child is not wearing, but carrying his raincoat.) The answer is that you clearly get wetter walking!
After lunch we explored more of the museum. Many of the exhibits were just too old for him, but he loved the earthquake platform and an art exhibit where you could rearrange the pixels of light.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Christmas Cookies

(The bottom pictures are the cookies I decorated.)
Monday, December 17, 2012
Preschool Christmas Program
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Daycare Christmas Party

After the traditional singing, Santa showed up with presents for EVERYONE. Anthony really liked this year's present, a Siddeley(?) airplane on a stomp-rocket type platform. Basically, pound the bellows and the airplane takes off.

Friday, December 14, 2012
A Good Friday
It wasn't the day I had expected, but it was a pretty nice day.
The plan: Work in the morning, then company luncheon followed by an afternoon to myself, probably shopping.
Instead, I skedaddled (my new favorite word) out of the party immediately following dessert to go meet the refrigerator repair man. I decided to pick Anthony up at preschool and have a holiday afternoon together. It got off to a great start, with him jumping up and down at the treat of me picking him up. We then dropped a donation off at the Ronald McDonald House and then went to the Stanford Center for adventure. It worked out well, we had a nice visit with Santa. No pictures, I'm cheap. Santa did give Anthony a reindeer toy.
Then we did some shopping. Key thing on the agenda was a star for the top of our Christmas tree. We went to Pottery Barn first. I didn't like the star, but I did like the Christmas tree skirt. I gave it to Anthony to hold, hoping that he'd have his hands full and stop touching the beautiful glass ornaments at his level. He decided the skirt made a cape and wore it out of the store. He was so cute, everyone at the mall kept smiling at him.
We did find a nice star, at Macy's, on sale. Then it was a dinner date and home to bed.
(Meanwhile, poor Daddy was in San Diego.)
Sorry, I've been lazy about posting, this was all LAST Friday!
The plan: Work in the morning, then company luncheon followed by an afternoon to myself, probably shopping.

Then we did some shopping. Key thing on the agenda was a star for the top of our Christmas tree. We went to Pottery Barn first. I didn't like the star, but I did like the Christmas tree skirt. I gave it to Anthony to hold, hoping that he'd have his hands full and stop touching the beautiful glass ornaments at his level. He decided the skirt made a cape and wore it out of the store. He was so cute, everyone at the mall kept smiling at him.
We did find a nice star, at Macy's, on sale. Then it was a dinner date and home to bed.
(Meanwhile, poor Daddy was in San Diego.)
Sorry, I've been lazy about posting, this was all LAST Friday!
Monday, November 26, 2012
A Day at the Museum

Thursday, November 22, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
R.I.P. Tigger 7/4/1996 - 11/19/2012

Time caught up with her and her time finally came. When I tried to explain it to Anthony I wasn't sure exactly how. I knew the starting point, kitty old and sick. I knew the ending point, Heaven. The path I wasn't sure about. I started off with a reminder that she was old and sick, and that I was going to take her to the doctor to get medicine. At that point Anthony interrupted me and said, "So she won't die?" Ooh, so backwards. He misses her a lot at this point. We're planning on getting a new cat in January. Anthony, of course, wants a new cat NOW. "But I need a cat to play with!"

Friday, November 16, 2012
The Beloved Witch Puppet
Anthony made a witch puppet at daycare on Halloween and was SO proud of it. Its almost three weeks later and he is still sleeping with it!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Setting the Table

Sunday, November 11, 2012
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Vote Early and Often
This morning I explained to Anthony how we were going to go vote for President. (The President, of course, is the person who runs the country.) I told him who Mommy was voting for and who Daddy is voting for. His predictable response, "What about me?"
I explained that he had to be 18 to vote. His response, "But Mommy, you're not 18, you are 41! Remember??"
Anthony also learned about voting at preschool. His classroom had a voting booth and each child got to vote for which book they were going to read during circle time.
I explained that he had to be 18 to vote. His response, "But Mommy, you're not 18, you are 41! Remember??"
Anthony also learned about voting at preschool. His classroom had a voting booth and each child got to vote for which book they were going to read during circle time.
Monday, November 5, 2012
A Glorious Day at the Beach

It was a perfect day at the beach. The sun was out, the water was warm-ish... Anthony spent most of the time playing in the surf. He took a few breaks to build sand castles and throw tennis balls for a patient labrador. A perfect Sunday afternoon!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Happy Halloween!

Instead of preschool's annual Halloween program, they had a Halloween party. Each room had a different theme. Anthony's favorite was the sensory area--witch brains (peeled tomatoes), skeleton fingers (pickles) as well as just buckets of jelly to play in. There were also some neat activities in the pumpkin room, he particularly enjoyed using a hammer to pound golf tees into a pumpkin.
I handed out books again this year. They were generally quite popular! It makes sense, most families I know require the kid to surrender most of the candy. This way the kid gets a treat they get to keep.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Pumpkin Carving

I think Daddy's witch came out really nicely!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Science Class
Anthony has science class with Teacher Mike every other week. He always comes home so excited about the projects they did. The first week it was Mentos in Diet Coke. This week it was observing reactions by mixing elmer's glue and borax to make silly putty. (He did the same thing at Aulani to make "Stitch's Space Goo".) He LOVES the stuff, we played with it for quite awhile.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Halloween at Great America
Last month the boys joined the Donahues for an impromptu trip to Great America. They were able to buy season tickets for NEXT year (that included the end of this year) for the price of one visit. So, we now have Great America passes, too.
Saturday morning we decided to go to the park to check out the Halloween festivities. It got off to a rocky start. Anthony was spooked out by the decorations. It was also a LONG walk past all these fun looking rides that he was 1/2" to short for. We finally got to the little kid areas so he could play. He started off with SEVEN rounds on the roller-coaster. Its a little bigger and faster than the one at Happy Hollow. The swings were also a hit!
Next season Anthony will hit the magic 44" mark and be able to ride a lot more rides.
Saturday morning we decided to go to the park to check out the Halloween festivities. It got off to a rocky start. Anthony was spooked out by the decorations. It was also a LONG walk past all these fun looking rides that he was 1/2" to short for. We finally got to the little kid areas so he could play. He started off with SEVEN rounds on the roller-coaster. Its a little bigger and faster than the one at Happy Hollow. The swings were also a hit!
Next season Anthony will hit the magic 44" mark and be able to ride a lot more rides.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Halloween Party

He had a lovely time playing with his friends. I'm not sure what they are doing in the top picture, in the bottom picture they are all riding a broomstick together.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Happy Hollow Pumpkin Patch

It was very low key, but nice. They had some bouncy houses, a "patch" of pumpkins with Danny the Dragon posing for pictures in his Halloween costume, and they turned their regular maze into a "corn maze."
Of course we did all the regular fun things, too. The roller coaster, the Frog Hopper, the stepping stones across the pond… Anthony's legs are longer and his balance is better, so he didn't fall in this time. I actually got to see the giant tortoise going for a walk around his enclosure. I'm not sure I've actually seen one really move before.

Sunday, October 14, 2012
Snakes at a Party

Yesterday was Sophia's birthday party. We got off to a great start. When we arrived, J, a preschool friend who I'd never met shrieked "Anthony" and gave him a big hug. I was happy to see that Anthony was clearly making new friends at school this year!
The entertainment at this party was a naturalist with a whole collection of animals. Anthony was pretty freaked out by the insects and rapidly sat on Daddy's lap where it was safe. (He was even afraid of the stick insect.) Bob did let a tarantula crawl across his arms and he said that Anthony was pushing with all his might into his chest to get away from the thing.
Anthony was more than happy to hold the snakes and other reptiles. He also has a strong fondness for slugs and snails. (Not my favorite, at all!)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Class Book

Points to whoever can point out the inconsistency in Anthony's story!
Saturday, October 6, 2012
"It was a lovely party"

The long awaited day, Anthony's fifth birthday party. He had about 10 pals over for some creative dramatics activities. Honestly, while the actress was downright fabulous, we probably would have just been fine with free-play in the back yard. They did enjoy her, a lot, but it was hard to compete with the sand table and roller coaster.
The cake was a hit, as was the pinata. They also went through nearly two gallons of ice cream!
He got some great presents. A bunch of board games (must be a turning five thing) and legos. Also some new books, a few toys and some CD of music from his favorite movies.

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