First words out of his mouth. At 5:30 am. Fortunately he crawled into bed with Grandma instead of us!
Others have commented on how grown-up and mature he is. Its harder to see as I seem him every day.
A few random thoughts:
1. He's figured out potty humor. Yeah.
2. His "pre-reading" skills have really improved. He's long mastered what sounds each letter make, if you say a word he can identify a lot of the letters by the sounds he hears.
3. He can also write most of his letters in handwriting that is much improved than last school year. Interestingly, he'll often write his name right to left.
4. Gross motor skills are fabulous. He can easily do monkey bars, ride how bike fluently, in a hopping contest he made it up to 68 hops on one foot.
5. He doesn't play dress-up nearly as much as he did earlier in the year. At home he really enjoys building towers out of his lego duplos and then acting out scenes with them. He received a several big boy lego kits for his birthday. He's very excited to put those together.