Anthony is six years old today!!!!!
We went to Fiesta del Mar (his and our favorite restaurant) to celebrate and he commented that his loose tooth hurt. He's had ficticious loose teeth for over a year now. But when I looked at him across the table, his tooth didn't look quite as nicely lined up as it usually is. Sure enough, he
finally got a loose tooth. He is a bit anxious about it now. Will it hurt when it comes out, will there be blood, who will take care of me when it happens, etc.
Despite the lego in the picture, he really isn't into lego. Magnatiles, on the other hand, are played with every single day. Grandma Donna gave him an expansion pack of magnatiles for his birthday and he got to work with them.
Other favorite toys include his baby brother, his scooter and his expansive collection of figuerines which live in magnatile houses.
He is settling nicely into kindergarten, though I think he prefers playtime to work time. His writing is still very much a work in progress. His pre-reading skills, while strong before, have improved remarkably. His latest trick is to break down words into their sounds and then spell them out. As long as the letters follow "normal" rules of spelling, he can really do it. He can't go the other way yet. For example: he knows that MAT is mmm-aaa-ttt. M-A-T. However, he can't read mat. I assume that will come relatively soon.
After school he spends the afternoon at YMCA run after care. They seem to have a good program and he's made friends with a lot of kids, including a bunch of older girls. Thursdays he takes Spanish after school. He is enjoying that and I hope that exposure to the language will help him in the long run.
Anthony is also very proud of the blisters on his hands from monkey bars. I think he must play on them for hours each day. His latest trick is shimmying across the moneky bars on the OUTSIDE bar. He can also hang upside down from the horizontal bar. Fortunately he hasn't tried to swing down that way, he reaches back up and grabs on to the bar to get off. Keeping fingers crossed that there are no broken bones in our future!