It just seems like yesterday that we were bringing home this teeny little baby (okay, well he wasn't so teeny) home from the hospital, praying that he was to be ours.
Anthony has all sorts of new tricks up his sleeve.
Let's see:
1. He can sit. He sits very well, can play with his toys and still sit.
2. He has just started grabbing his little toes.
3. Rolling, well, he's done it a few times.
4. Grabbing. Anthony has discovered that he can grab my glasses. (And today he screamed when I took them back. How dare I deprive him of his toy!) He also likes to grab at my mouth. Food isn't safe if its within his reach, either.
5. Eating. He's pretty darn good at carrots, most of it goes straight down, very little squishes back out. We try peas tomorrow.
6. He's noticed the cat and finds her fascinating. He's even gotten some fist-fulls of fur.
7. If a toy is out of reach he'll really work and stretch to get it. (But not roll!)
8. Sleeping through the night. He's been doing it pretty darn regularly, 6:30 bedtime, wakes between 6:30 and 7:30.
And, he finally enjoys his baths. Especially when Daddy gives them.
By the way, look how big he's getting. Anthony's six month appointment is Wednesday, I'll have updated stats then.
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