Easter Sunday marked 2 1/2 years old.
Our month by month updates ended quite awhile ago, but these seems like an appropriate milestone for another one.
1. We're a little vague on height and weight. I think he's about 35 inches and 28 pounds. He was just shy of the height needed to go on the roller-coaster at Happy Hollow. He wears 2T clothes although the pants are often a little long on him. If the waist isn't adjustable I need to tack it in by hand; he's on the thin side.
2. Boy is he two. Everything is "MY do it." He's a relatively good sport about letting me help, though.
3. Anthony has also become a picky eater. I miss my little baby who would wolf down everything. His favorites include goldfish, eggs (scrambled or hard boiled), pasta in any form except lasagne, cheese, and peanut butter and jelly on whole wheat. He loves most fruit, especially kiwi and mango. He generally won't eat french fries, chicken (unless its nuggets), bread/toast, hamburgers or much meat in general. Everything else is generally hit or miss.
4. Favorite toys include his airplane fleet and my shoes. He still LOVES to wear my shoes around the house.
5. He still loves to read. Current favorites are "Cat in the Hat", "Harold and the Purple Crayon", and "Where the Wild Things Are". The other day I said, "Look at me, look at me, look at me now" and Anthony immediately responded with, "Its fun to have fun but you have to know how!"
6. He's really quite easy to understand for a two year old. I think that strangers can generally understand most of what he is saying. My favorite mispronunciation is "Hopicopter". "Cheese" also comes out quite mangled. "Milk" is improving, I swear he puts a southern accent on it trying to get the l-k combination out. Its more like "may-ulk." I think he still calls music "mu-gis."
7. Potty training. He's definitely motivated, sat on the potty 3 times this morning. I'm not really ready to drop diapers yet, but he can sit on the potty all he wants.
8. He enjoys climbing at the park, but he's not a natural like his pal Robert. On Thursday evening he insisted climbing on this BIG structure, at one point he was well over my head. I was pretty nervous, but he did okay. It was a big loop and you climb up one side and then turn around to climb down the other. He struggled with the turn around, but aside from that did okay.
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