Today we headed out to Elkus Ranch, UC Davis' demonstration farm for their annual open house. As usual, they put on a really nice event. We started off by grinding corn to make meal to feed all the animals. Anthony carried his husk around for the rest of the day, including the drive home.
This year we got to watch the sheep shearing demonstrations. Bob thought it was unfair that the sheep didn't get a lollipop when they were done with their haircuts. We got to take a little bit of the wool, wash it and dye it to bring home.
The clear highlight of Anthony's day was getting to be the "egg helper". The woman minding the chicken coops scooped an egg out of the nesting box and gave it to Anthony to carry around and show the other children. Anthony is fascinated with eggs and where they come from and really got a kick from being in charge of the egg.

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