Sunday, December 23, 2007

Over the River and Through the Woods

To Grandmother's house I go.... Well, really we went on a road trip down to Southern California to visit my grandparents. I was really, really good for most of the trip.

Mommy says: We got an early start as I was worried about traffic. It wasn't quite as early as I had hoped, but we got through the 152 hassle before any traffic built up. We stopped for a prune juice breakfast bottle at Casa de Fruta as the little guy was a bit constipated. There was some real traffic on I-5 in the middle of nowhere which got us worried, but things picked up.

We had an early-ish lunch at Carl's Junior where we had our big adventure. Huge poopy blow-out diaper with a big mess and a screaming baby. In retrospect the prune juice may not have been a great idea. (In the past it took several days worth of prune juice to make anything happen.) I particularly enjoyed the parenting advice from the 16 year old busing tables.

We got in a little traffic at the end. Motion stopped and Anthony woke-up. We thought we'd have to stop for a bottle 20 minutes from my parents but he fell back asleep.

Truthfully, the trip went really, really well.
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