Friday, May 27, 2011

I Want to Ride My Bicycle

Santa Claus brought Anthony a balance bike for Christmas. At first Anthony was kind of unimpressed--it didn't have pedals and it sure didn't compete with his Mary Poppins umbrella.

Then spring came and all his pals had their bikes out. Now he LOVES his balance bike. He's getting pretty good at riding it. We had it at the campground Bob's birthday weekend and he was doing all sorts of tricks. My (least) favorite was propping both feet up on the front fork while riding downhill. Fortunately we haven't had any wipe-outs yet.

Later this summer we'll get Anthony a real bicycle with no training wheels. That's what makes these balance bikes so great. He already knows how to pedal, now he's learning to balance with confidence and then he just needs to put the two together!

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