Monday, February 27, 2012

Daddy's Trip to China

I love the combination of the Starbuck's logo and the traditional architecture.

I was a little worried about being on my own with Anthony for a week and a half. While I'm aware that plenty of women manage on their own with more kids for a lot longer, I'm blessed with a husband who is helpful around the house and a very hands-on Dad. (Anthony knows that Saturday mornings he should go to Daddy to get up and watch tv because Mommy is staying in bed.)

We did okay, better than I expected, actually. Weekday mornings were actually a little LESS stressful. I normally leave the house at 7:00, so that I can leave work early. Daycare doesn't open until 7:30, so we had an extra 20 minutes each day. (Of course, I was late to work every day, but my boss is understanding.) I hired a teenager to babysit for a few hours on Sunday so I could have some quiet, and Anthony even chose to nap on Saturday.
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