Babycakes was 4 months old on the first of the month. How he has changed. The teeny little preemie is nowhere to be found!
He is up to 12lb, 15 ounces (on the first) and was 23.5 inches long. He's holding steady at 5% for weight and not quite on the charts for height. We've been given permission to transition him from the horrifically expensive fancy preemie food to normal formula. Of course, I'd already stocked up on formula AND the nurse had a case of samples, so we'll do another month or so on preemie food.
Richard is still a remarkably easy baby. Basically, if he's crying its because he's tired or hungry. He's not very good at going to bed in his crib, but he's very good at napping on the go. Given that we're always out and about with Anthony, that's a very good thing.
He smiles and laughs up a storm. He loves having his chin tickled. He's also very talkative and can carry on whole conversations, provided you supply both halves. He also likes having his diaper changed, it just makes him laugh and laugh.
Besides diaper changes he likes the blinky lights on his activity gym (which he can turn on by himself), being upright so he can look around, and playing with big brother.
In terms of milestones he can slowly roll from tummy to back. He can put a good amount of weight on his legs when standing and pretty much has complete control of his head. He's starting to figure out his hands and what you can do with them. He'll use them to grab his bottle or push it away when he's full. He'll also chew away on his hand or his thumb, though I don't think he'll be a thumb sucker yet. He hasn't figured out how to use his hands to chew on other toys yet, but that will come.
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