Well, clearly he's not a newborn, he's three and a half months old!
I found myself pondering some of the changes I miss:
The way his whole body would fit when he lay in my lap
How he would desperately root into my elbow looking for dinner while his bottle was poking him in the other cheek.
But then, there are things I don't miss:
The SCREAMING that accompanied every diaper change (being naked was really, really awful)
Rocking and rocking in the middle of the night as he had to be sound asleep before being put back down. (He outgrew that one by two months, fortunately. Now its bottle, diaper and back in the crib.)
Waking up multiple times a night. Technically, Anthony is sleeping through the night as he can go 7 hours. But, that's not literally STTN. He'll be there soon enough, though.
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