Sunday, April 18, 2010

Farm Tour

Deer Hollow Farm offered farm tours yesterday, of course we had to go! We went inside pens for the goats, rabbits and the chicken coop; everything but the cows and the pigs. ALL the animals had babies. I made a keen discovery--goats that are accustomed to children bearing food are far more aggressive than random farm goats. The goats were generally uninterested in the children and only one of the sheep was even interested in being petted. Anthony did get to try on a sheepskin, it was very soft.

Anthony got to peek inside and see the eggs in the chicken coops. He's been fascinated by birds lately. We were on a walk and he heard the birds singing.

Anthony: "Where are the birds?"
Mommy: "Probably in the trees."
Anthony: "Sitting on their nests?"
Mommy: "Maybe"
Anthony: "With eggs in their nests?"
Mommy: "There could be eggs in their nests."
Anthony: "The egg jumped! Just like in my book!"
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