Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July Fireworks

Twice makes a tradition...

We had a lovely Fourth of July Fireworks celebration.  We joined forces with our next door neighbors and biked down the Stevens Creek Trail to Shoreline Amphitheater to see the San Francisco Symphony's annual concert, followed by fireworks.  Anthony rode in the trailer behind our tandem and the neighbor girl rode on our trail-a-bike behind her father.  We were quite the procession, too bad neither Bob nor I followed through on our thoughts to have parade music on the iPod+speakers.
Anthony made a valient attempt for an afternoon nap, but failed.  We decided to just go and keep our fingers crossed that keeping him up three hours past his bedtime wouldn't be a total disaster.  He got pretty wild and difficult around bedtime, but we bought him cotton candy as the concert started and he settled down.  He basically relaxed on our laps, and somehow stayed awake.

He enjoyed the fireworks a lot.  He might have more if he hadn't been so tired, but I'm glad he got to see and enjoy them.  He asked me at one point if they were magic.

1 comment:

Elly said...

Awww love that last comment! I hope that in a few years Ciaran will be able to stay up late to see fireworks. Or we're in the Uk for bonfire night when it's dark early!