Saturday, August 18, 2012

"Family Day" at the San Francisco Zoo

 Daddy leaves for China tomorrow, so I declared that today was Family Day, a day for the three of us to spend together.  We headed up to the San Francisco Zoo.  Its a bit of a drive, so we don't go there nearly as often as we go to our beloved Happy Hollow.

  Highlights included a train ride on the "Little Puffer", watching the grizzly bears finish lunch and the hippopotomus.  Mr. Hippo didn't do much except hang out under water and come up for air.  The coming up for air part was pretty darn neat, though.  Who knew that hippo noses could be so interesting?

  The anaconda was pretty interesting.  They grow up to 25 feet and 400 pounds, yet their head (the part that sticks up out of water) was so tiny.  You could easily see its prey not realizing how big and scary the snake actually was.
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