Monday, August 27, 2012


 AKA, no good deed goes unpunished.

 I swear, I'm never going to buy small person treats again.  Giving him some just makes him want more.  I bought the popsicles (Dreyers Fruit Bars) a few weeks ago and he loved them.  He's been begging for popsicles ever since.  We came home from M's birthday party yesterday and he immediately started asking for a popsicle.  Well, he'd already had birthday cake and pinata candy, so no, we weren't having a popsicle.

  Small person is not entirely deprived of treats.  We did go to four birthday parties in three weeks. That means at least once slice of cake per party, plus several sets of pinata treats.

In any case, the popsicles are gone and Anthony was quite concerned about what treat I would have since he was having the last popsicle.  I was pleased with his compassion, and am quite pleased that the things are out of my freezer.  At least, until the next hot spell.
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1 comment:

Elly said...

I'll hold off the chocolate milk next time!