Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Special Student

Last week was Anthony's turn to be special student at school.  The special person gets all sorts of privileges, ringing the bell after outside playtime, counting all the students before they come in, doing the counting calendar and leading grace before snack.

He also brought several things to share; a few precious toys and his favorite book for story time.  We chose his pop-up "Wizard of Oz".  The class enjoyed it, but Mrs. M. commented that it was quite long.  (Oops.  Well, the pop-ups are amazing.)

We also made a poster of pictures to share.  It included pictures of our family, his cousins and our trip to Hawaii.  He also included a picture of his birthsisters.  Afterwards I asked Mrs. M. what he said about the pictures.  She told me that he said, "These are my birthsisters".  She said she wasn't quite sure if he had it right, but then looked at the pictures and sure enough, they look EXACTLY ALIKE. 

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