Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Baby's First Earthquake

Well, Anthony experienced his first earthquake last night. Rated at 5.6 on the Richter Scale, it wasn't that big of a quake. Generally that size is enough to make people remember that we live in earthquake country and consider putting together an earthquake preparedness kit. (We are a bit lax in that regard, I'm afraid.)

While the epicenter wasn't too far away, we didn't get too much of a shake out of it. It was like "Hey, we're having an earthquake", not "OMG, I want to get under a table". (I grew up in California and have definitely had stronger, scarier shakes.) Our chandelier swung a bit. I read in this morning's paper that most of the shaking was south of the epicenter and we are west.

Oh yeah, Anthony slept though it.
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