Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

I had a very nice first mother's day. We had a nice breakfast--baked apple French Toast (Bob and I assembled the night before). After Anthony's nap we walked downtown to go to the Farmer's Market and have lunch.

I got a totally cool present: a bike trailer. Before Anthony came I biked to work nearly every day year round. That is really the one thing about life before baby that I really miss. Anthony has a cool little helmet with ducks on it and he LIKES wearing it. Or, he doesn't seem to care about wearing it.

Yesterday he was willing to sit in the trailer and check it out, but melted down pretty quickly when we strapped him in. Today he was willing to go for a little spin around the block. We'll practice again tomorrow after work.

My short term goal is bike-to-work day on Thursday. I'd like to drop little guy off at daycare and bike the rest of the way myself.

My long term goal is to start biking to work 3 days a week, starting in June when we switch daycares. (The new one is all neighborhood streets to commute, a very safe ride.) Hopefully Anthony will continue to enjoy the trailer!
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