Sunday, August 1, 2010

Fun with Ciaran

(but no pictures with Ciaran)

Today while Daddy was off flying an Angle Flight mission, Elly and I took the boys to Happy Hollow. We made a bee-line for the roller coaster as the lines can get REALLY long. ciaran was to nervous to ride, but Anthony went for two rides in a row.

On our way to lunch we ran into Danny the Dragon. Danny is Happy Hollow's mascot and an institution in San Jose. They hugged and high-fived and then that mischevious dragon took Anthony's hat. Anthony didn't like that one bit. All at lunch he and Ciaran talked about how Danny stole his hat.

After lunch we enjoyed the puppet show. Today's show was "Snow White and Rose Red". Both boys really enjoyed the show though I always wonder how much of it they understand.

Then we saw Ciaran off for his nap and we visited the goats. The goats weren't as aggressive as they normally are, maybe they had plenty to eat by the time we got there. Anthony fed several goats and combed them. He climbed in the parallel play area and then we visited the rest of the petting zoo.

Later that afternoon Anthony played dragon for awhile. He blew fire in my face (spittle, yeah) and kept stealing my hat!

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