Thursday, August 12, 2010


Anthony has never been particularly attached to any one transitional object. He certainly has favorite objects in his crib--lovey bears (those blankets with a bear torso growing out the center), blue dog, the teddy bear Bob brought back from a Palm party. However, he doesn't NEED any certain thing.

He does need a transitional object to get out the door to daycare every morning. There are a few standard things--Eeyore, blue rabbit, koala bear. Then there are the days he just picks up what seems convenient, a Barnes and Noble gift card for example.

Today's transitional object was particularly entertaining. It was the little mirror with baby toys hanging off it that we had in his crib when he was a baby. He pulled it off the shelf in his room where it had sat for well over a year, maybe close to two. He trucked off to daycare with it tucked under his arm.
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