Thursday, June 2, 2011

"A is for Anthony"

Anthony has gotten a wee bit possessive of the letter A.

In retrospect, its been coming for awhile. On preschool days I ask what letter he sat on during "sit on letter time." The answer is ALWAYS "A". Sure enough, the day I spent at preschool he sat on A during circle time.

Until this week, I thought it was benign.

Then we received a thank you note from Jay. Jay signed it himself, all 3 letters. One of those, of course, is an "A". Anthony was quite indigant that Jay wrote an A in his name. He was actually a bit put-out.

Today was Anthony's last day of preschool for the year. As we were talking about his day, I asked what letter he sat on. He answered "H". Whoa, this is something new. I asked him if someone else was sitting on "A" and he said that Laura was. I wouldn't be surprised if there was fighting over the A.

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