Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Fun

Today was all about Halloween Fun. The kids all wore their costumes to church this morning. Then we headed home for a quick lunch and off to the airplane museum to see the witch drop a pumpkin from the helicopter. No disappointment, it was a lovely SPLAT.

After a (too-long) nap, we headed off to some haunted houses in the neighborhood. The first was at a nearby elementary school. It was pretty dark and spooky, I was afraid that Anthony would be too scared. He LOVED it and was disappointed that we could only go through once.

We then headed off to DC Cemetery, which has won national awards for best haunted house and was even featured on the Today Show. Its their twentieth year in action and was stunningly impressive for a volunteer run display in someone's front yard! We were there during the daytime (children's hour) but it was still a pretty impressive display. And once again, Anthony was fascinated.

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1 comment:

Elly said...

I have to say, he looks absolutely adorable in that costume :)