Monday, February 4, 2008

Four Months Old

Yep, Anthony is four months old today.

He doesn't really seem to have any brand new tricks to report.

He's getting better at the old ones, though:
1. He giggles. Evidently Mommy is really funny. Especially when I sing and move his arms around.
2. He's getting pretty amazing at standing. He can easily support his whole weight (and balance a good bit) just holding on to a finger in each hand. And, of course, he is gnawing away on that finger.
3. Using his hands. He can easily separate his fingers and choose one to suck or chew on. He's also getting better at grabbing and manipulating his toys. By manipulate I mostly mean to force part of it into his mouth.
4. Head control. He easily controls his head when you pull him to standing. (He tends to not want to stop at sitting; why sit when you can stand??)

Sleeping Update:
We went cold turkey on swaddling last week and it went pretty well. He's still pretty variable on when he wakes at night, but its really only once a night. Well, we wake him for a quick feed at 9:30, but he'll fall right back asleep. He'll wake on his own for one feed and then conks out again. Morning for Anthony starts at 7:30 when I'm dressed and breakfasted. He usually sleeps until then, and we have 15 minutes to get him ready for school. (He doesn't eat breakfast until about 8:30.)**

Teeth Update:
Still drooling. Really drooling. Enormously drooling. We can feel his little tooth trying to come in. Its an upper one, actually. Of course, his favorite thing in the whole wide world is chewing on my finger, which causes slime to run down my arm.

1. Blinky star on his play gym (still)
2. The music and lights on his bouncy chair (especially since he can make them go)
3. Standing and looking around.
4. Chewing on Mama's finger.
5. Playing with the fun textures of some of his toys, especially the Firefly that Jayne gave him.

**My mom thinks this is grossly unfair. I was an early bird as a baby and small child; I believe morning routinely started around 5am for years!
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