Sunday, May 17, 2009


At Anthony's 18-month pediatrician appointment, Dr. Babcock asked if Anthony has started using spoons yet. My response was "somewhat", and that was considered good enough.

He actually has halfway decent spoon skills. The loaded end always makes it into his mouth. He still needs to work on scooping, though that is also improving.

Both yesterday and today he had mashed sweet potato as part of dinner. That was a little harder to manage, but he did okay. (Its hard because its too easy to accidently leave it behind if you pull the spoon out wrong.) A month ago he would have rejected the spoon in favor of fingers. He considered that yesterday, but then decided that the spoon was a better choice.

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1 comment:

Elly said...

I do love the new haircut. It's nice that he still has the curls :)