Monday, August 23, 2010


Anthony loves the idea of popsicles. He begs for one pretty much every afternoon. Yesterday we got popsicles after swimming with Ciaran. Ciaran finished his in seconds. Anthony ended up throwing out well over half of his popsicle as it melted away.

Today when I picked up Anthony from daycare he came running over and asked if we could have popsicles. He then clarified that he wanted a FROZEN popsicle. (I'm not sure what a non-frozen popsicle is.) Since it was actually warm today, I thought it was a good idea.

His popsicle technique could really use refinement. As you can see from the top photo, he tends to lick from the bottom. He only licks, when I encouraged him to bite (to catch up on the melting process) he didn't seem to impressed.

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1 comment:

Elly said...

I think it is a bit unfair to say Ciaran ate his popsicle in seconds... However, I'm totally amenable for regular popsicle eating sessions so Ciaran can help Anthony refine his technique!