Last night was all about nightmares.
Background... Anthony is a little on the cautious side. He has a few fears, including large dogs and bugs. He was stung by a bee last fall and still remembers it.
Yesterday we were playing at Ciaran's house when C got stung by a bee. We took care of poor C and then went back to our play. I didn't think too much of it.
Then at 12:30 or so this morning, Bob heard Anthony screaming, he'd had a nightmare. It took a little while but he got him back to sleep.
Then at 3:30, another nightmare. This time I could NOT get Anthony back into bed. He was very insistent that there were bugs. His sheets had small polka-dots, which probably didn't help.
Finally I gave up and brought him in to our bed. Even though we'd been rocking for almost 1/2 hour, Anthony wasn't relaxed enough to go back to sleep. He demanded water, stroked my hair and declared it was soft, and my personal favorite, complained that there wasn't enough room for him. Mind you, he had a good half of the bed to himself!
This morning I woke up first and he and Daddy were so cute all snuggled together.
Hopefully tonight will be better.
(I promise, we'll get pictures up soon. Definitely not buying another Dell product!)